Want something crocheted? Here is the place to get it done! Commission prices are based upon:
- Degree of Difficulty for the project
- Time it'll take me to make the project
- Cost of materials
For those of you who have seen my versions of Tracy Jen's or
Pixelated Mushroom's Doctor Who dolls and want me to make one, I regret to inform you that I will not be taking commissions for those- both have asked that dolls made from her patterns not be sold and being that they are made of awesomesauce for creating these patterns, I plan to abide by their wishes. The same goes for any one who has made similar requests with their patterns.
To commission me, please
send me an email with what you'd like done, when you need it and any questions you may have. If you have any general questions that you think other people might have, feel free to post them here and I will answer them!