Friday, June 27, 2014

Hobbes is now on hold (or How my baby sister got me back into crocheting)

In my last post I said that I was going to make myself a Hobbes doll in shades of blue. I haven't started it yet. Honestly, I hadn't picked up my crochet hook in almost a week before that and just picked it up again last night, but not to make a Hobbes...

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Here we are again

How long has it been? A few years, I think. Honestly, I'd forgotten about this blog.

Things have happened. Things have not happened. Life goes on. I'm slightly depressed right now. I just spent three years getting my bachelor's degree and feel like I can't do anything with it.

So, I'm using this pattern and will be crocheting myself a Hobbes doll in shades of blue. Should be fun.